Federal and California Whistleblower Laws Pay Cash Rewards for Your Information
Corrupt California companies continue to pocket millions in valuable California taxpayer dollars by defrauding taxpayer-funded programs like Medicare or Medi-Cal and engaging in billing and contract schemes for their own profit. A California whistleblower attorney can help protect you and help maximize your whistleblower cash reward.
Hard-working California citizens are taking a stand against corporate corruption, fraud, deceit and lack of accountability. California whistleblowers are prepared to report dishonest employers who are placing California’s tax dollars and citizens at risk.
Federal and California False Claims Acts provide millions in cash whistleblower awards for bookkeepers, pharmacists, physicians, bankers, consultants, sales reps, executives and other professionals with valuable non-public information that leads to government recovery.
False Claims Acts also provide cash damages for whistleblowers who experience employer retaliation after reporting suspected fraud.
California fraud can arise out of a number of activities, from simple billing errors to sophisticated and complex schemes involving numerous business entities. Any fraudulent act committed against a government-funded program can result in a cash whistleblower reward, including but not limited to:
To collect a U.S. or California cash whistleblower award and be eligible for the legal job and retaliation protections, whistleblowers (“qui-tam relators”) must be the first to report suspected fraud and must follow the claims process carefully. For this, you need an experienced California whistleblower attorney.
Whistleblower attorney Joseph Tully, legal author and expert for national media outlets, leads a diligent team of lawyers, investigators, and paralegals in his detailed preparation of successful cases. If you feel your California employer, healthcare provider, or other business is committing fraud against the government for profit, the leading California whistleblower lawsuit team at Tully Weiss can maximize your potential cash whistleblower reward and help you collect damages for employer retaliation.
Federal and California False Claims Acts pay whistleblowers substantial cash rewards – between 10% and 30% of the total government recovery arising from successful verdict or settlement.
Each false or fraudulent claim submitted to the government for payment is included in determining the total government recovery amount, meaning whistleblower rewards often range in the hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of dollars.
Several variables are included in the court’s determination of total whistleblower cash award amounts, including:
Tully & Weiss California whistleblower lawyers are unrivaled in legal expertise and experience required to maximize whistleblower cash rewards. Whistleblower attorney Joseph Tully has attained the elite expert status of California Criminal Law Specialist, a State Bar designation affirming his distinctive expertise, experience, and effectiveness in criminal law. The Tully Weiss California team of expert whistleblower attorneys examine every aspect of your individual case to ensure your whistleblower lawsuit secures the highest cash award possible.
Whether you work in Redding, Lafayette, Oakland, Sacramento, San Francisco or other Northern California city – our investigators and legal experts in U.S. and California whistleblower law will ensure your whistleblower claim is solid from the very start.
Federal and California False Claims Acts provide citizens with massive cash whistleblower awards and powerful protection from employer retaliation when their original-source information on fraud leads to government recovery. Whistleblowers seeking to put a stop to corporate fraud and increase accountability can report non-public inside knowledge of:
Though a majority of whistleblowers are company employees or ex-employees who have access to the inside policies and procedures of the business, no such connection is required to file a whistleblower claim. Whistleblowers frequently file claims against contractors, competitor companies, accountants and other outsiders.
The only requirement is that the whistleblower supplies original, non-public information – knowledge that the government would not have known but for the whistleblower’s report.
Tully & Weiss California whistleblower attorneys and their associates have deep experience in representing whistleblowers reporting:
Employer retaliation is a major reason many would-be whistleblowers hesitate to report knowledge of fraud. Fortunately, Federal and California state laws provide protection for whistleblowers against vengeful, angry employers who choose to fire, demote, suspend, threaten, harass or otherwise discriminate against an employee who reports or plans to report misconduct.
Whistleblowers may file a claim for damages even when they have only reported the suspected fraud to an internal supervisor. Employees who are retaliated against in response to disclosing information are entitled to all relief necessary to “make the employee whole,” including:
Our Tully & Weiss California whistleblower lawyers employ every relevant statute to recover damages for California whistleblowers, including:
If you have been fired, demoted or harassed by your employer for reporting suspected fraud, you have substantial rights to be free from retaliation under federal and California state whistleblower laws.
Joseph Tully and the Tully & Weiss team represent whistleblower cases throughout Contra Costa and Alameda Counties and across California.
Federal and California False Claims Acts require that whistleblower lawsuits be filed within six years of the alleged misconduct. Dodd-Frank Act claims must be filed within three years of the alleged misconduct. A number of California State statute of limitations relating to retaliation claims may require a claim be filed within 30 to 60 days of the retaliatory incident.
The False Claims Act ‘first-to-file’ rule bars the filing of multiple claims based on the same information. This means though several employees may be aware of misconduct, only the first to file a whistleblower claim is eligible for a cash award. Multiple individuals may come together to file a joint claim and share in the cash whistleblower award.
If you are considering blowing the whistle on your California employer, healthcare provider, or other CA company, it is critical that you consult with a Tully & Weiss whistleblower lawyer the moment you suspect misconduct. Proof of fraud is not required.
Joseph Tully is the leading whistleblower lawyer for your Alameda, San Francisco, Contra Costa, Santa Clara or any Northern California whistleblower claim. He fights for whistleblower rights in Contra Costa County, Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Alameda, and all California Counties. Joseph Tully knows California whistleblower law.