
High Noon v Trump / Congress Cannabis Duel: Whoever Pulls The Trigger First Wins

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Posted By: Joseph Tully |
May 30, 2017

We as a nation are at a critical point in the battle over marijuana’s Schedule I status. Whoever acts on this issue first can win the support of Americans nationwide.

Letter to Congress

Dear Congress,

There is an issue at hand that can ensure you gain the support and backing of the American people moving forward. This is your chance to cut the Trump administration off at the knees and earn the respect of the American public. If you miss this window of opportunity, the Trump administration stands to reap the power of the peoples’ choice.

We urge you to remove cannabis from Schedule I status. Under Title 21 C.F.R. §§ 1308.11 – 1308.15, substances with no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse are listed under the Schedule I drug classification. Marijuana is currently listed as a Schedule I drug in error.

If you expect the American people to respect the law, the law must be based in reason. In fact, in order to pass muster in the courtroom, laws have to be “reasonable.” Marijuana’s placement in the Schedule I drug category is facially unreasonable.

First, the medicinal benefits of cannabis cannot be disputed. Every day, cannabis aids in the treatment and prevention of numerous illness in our American children, adults, veterans and seniors.

  • Cannabis is used to treat and prevent glaucoma
  • Cannabis is used to prevent epileptic seizures in children
  • Cannabis derivatives may help prevent metastatic cancer
  • Cannabis helps relieve nausea caused by chemotherapy and hepatitis C treatment
  • Cannabis acts as a powerful analgesic among arthritis, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis sufferers
  • THC from cannabis has been shown to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Cannabis is being used to treat Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis sufferers benefit from cannabis use
  • Cannabis soothes pain and tremors in Parkinson’s disease patients
  • Cannabis helps ease PTSD symptoms among war veterans

Second, the abuse potential of cannabis is insufficient to justify its prohibition. Abuse rates are next to nil, significantly lower than abuse rates for other legal drugs (alcohol, OTC substances, tobacco, caffeine) which destroy families and take hundreds of lives daily.

Classifying marijuana as a Schedule I drug is hamstringing our economic growth as a nation. Enforcement of this unreasonable law overtaxes our legal system, sequesters the efforts of law enforcement in unnecessary efforts and hands a potential $100 billion in taxable industry over to Mexican cartels.

More importantly, as long as cannabis remains on Schedule I, our nation’s leading universities, hospitals and research organizations are unable to study the valuable medicinal benefits of cannabis in needed detail. This unreasonable law substantially hinders studies on dose effectiveness, treatment plan optimization and ability to fight illnesses that take the lives of our nation’s children, adults and seniors.

The American people cannot and will not respect a Congress who continues to place the financial security of Big Pharma and corporate giants over the needs of its citizens. Do not assume that our nation’s citizens are blind to the fact that Congress keeps cannabis on Schedule I to prevent cuts into Big Pharma’s profits.

We understand that pharmaceutical companies do not want the medical research or scientific proof that cannabis works better than their billion-dollar ‘silver bullets.’ We understand that the widespread medicinal benefits of cannabis, a substance everyone can grow in their backyard, will make a huge dent in the pharmaceutical reign.

We want change and will not sit by while you fulfill your default function of sacrificing the health and lives of Americans to big corporations.

By continuing to ignore reality, you continue to harm our nation’s citizens and undermine the public’s confidence and faith in the system. If you continue to support big government’s selling us out to corporations by keeping this ridiculous and unreasonable law on the books, President Trump will act on this issue before you, and Congress will lose the faith and support of the American people, who will understand that the American economy and the needs of the individual are not on your priority list.

By removing cannabis from Schedule I, you will show that the health and economic success of the American people are high on your agenda, that Congress is with and for the people, recognizes that laws must be rational, wishes to increase research on the medicinal benefits to help care for our sick children and seniors, aims to spur on the economy, is for the common person and is not here to sell us out to corporations.

Trump’s credibility will crumble, the American people will side with you, Congress, and you will earn the people’s choice over the Trump administration.

We thank you for your help in this important and urgent matter.


Congress Supporters

Letter to President Trump

Dear President Trump,

There is an issue at hand that can ensure you maintain and increase the support and backing of the American people moving forward.

There is no need to skirt around the obvious; Congress is doing everything it can to undermine you, the media is actively working to subvert you on every level, and the American people who voted for you are waiting with bated breath to see you “drain the swamp” and cut through the crime of big government. Herein, we as Trump supporters present your biggest opportunity to do just that.

If you miss this window of opportunity, Congress stands to finally pull the power of the peoples’ choice out from under you.

Mr. President, we urge you to campaign to remove cannabis from Schedule I status, and to demonstrate that you truly support states’ rights by ordering your Department of Justice not to prosecute lawful state activity. Under Title 21 C.F.R. §§ 1308.11 – 1308.15, substances with no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse are listed under the Schedule I drug classification.

Marijuana is currently listed as a Schedule I drug in error.

For American people to respect the law, the law must be based in reason. In fact, in order to pass muster in the courtroom, laws have to be “reasonable.” Marijuana’s placement in the Schedule I drug category is facially unreasonable.

First, the medicinal benefits of cannabis cannot be disputed. Every day, cannabis aids in the treatment and prevention of numerous illness in our American children, adults, veterans and seniors. Cannabis is currently used to treat and/or prevent:

  • Glaucoma
  • Epileptic seizures in children
  • Metastatic cancer
  • Nausea caused by hepatitis C treatment
  • Side effects of chemotherapy
  • Arthritis, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • PTSD symptoms among war veterans

Second, the abuse potential of cannabis is insufficient to justify its prohibition. Abuse rates are next to nil – significantly lower than abuse rates for other legal drugs (alcohol, pills, tobacco, caffeine) which destroy families and take hundreds of lives daily.

Marijuana is currently listed as a Schedule I drug largely due to the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, a highly outdated law that sought to ban marijuana, claiming that cannabis caused psychosis and eventual insanity. Harry Anslinger, the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and an advocate of the law stated that young people are “slaves to this narcotic, continuing addiction until they deteriorate mentally, become insane, turn to violent crime and murder.” – with zero scientific evidence to support his claims, claims that seem as comical and nostalgic today as Louis J. Gasnier’s 1936 film “Reefer Madness.”

Classifying marijuana as a Schedule I drug is hamstringing our economic growth as a nation. Enforcement of this unreasonable and outdated law overtaxes our legal system, sequesters the efforts of law enforcement in unnecessary efforts and hands a potential $100 billion in taxable industry over to Mexican cartels.

More importantly, as long as cannabis remains on Schedule I, our nation’s leading universities, hospitals and research organizations are unable to study the valuable medicinal benefits of marijuana in needed detail. This unreasonable law substantially hinders studies on dose effectiveness, treatment plan optimization and ability to fight illnesses that take the lives of our nation’s children, adults and seniors.

As Trump supporters, we urge you to beat Congress to the punch. Campaign to remove cannabis from Schedule I status and order your Department of Justice not to prosecute citizens acting lawful within their state. You have the opportunity to create an economic tidal wave of homegrown businesses.

You can reverse the industry downturn and boost the economies for California and Oregon that have suffered after being sold out to NAFTA.

Show that the health and economic success of the American people are high on your agenda, you recognize that the law is not rational, you wish to increase research on the medicinal benefits to help care for our sick children and seniors, you aim to spur on the economy and you are not here to sell us out to corporations and Big Pharma.

Demonstrate that you are acting when Congress refuses to act and the American people will side with you, President Trump. Your administration will earn the people’s choice and thrive.

We thank you for your help in this important and urgent matter.


President Trump Supporters

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